I am actively competing and undergo every effort to update my knowledge, skills and training “tool kit.” When it comes to herding, I thrive on continuous learning. It is this learning that helps me build my ‘tool kit’ of training ideas and resources. As a student, you learn what I learn; I am committed to imparting my knowledge during lessons, clinics, seminars and almost every chance I get! Below I have listed some of my noteworthy training, handling and titling accomplishments. If I have trained, handled and/or titled your dog, and you would like me to showcase it online, please email me directly.

Dogs Trained & Handled
Can/Am Ch Downriver Blue Jim HA, HTD II, HRD II, ASCA OSDs (1992–2005)
Australian Cattle Dog
This was my first ‘trial dog’, and when he achieved his CKC “Open Stock Dog”, it was the highest achievable title in Canada. He finished his OSC on cattle in 1994. We went on to trial him in the AKC program where he received his HS on sheep, with HIT, RHIT and 1st in class in every run that weekend (4 judges). BJ was also the first ACD in Canada to compete successfully in the BCSDA program (ISDS style). BJ has received many HIT, RHIT and High Scoring ACD scores in the CKC herding program. BJ was the only Australian Cattle Dog in Canada to hold an Advanced Herding Title in any program for several years!

AOM CKC DCH HCHA AKC DCH HTch WTCh DuWest Ride a Cowboy HXAsd, SDA, HSAc, HRD 3s, HTAD3s, RLF3, HTD2, ATDsd, OTDc, CGN, RN – AKA Leroy, Australian Cattle Dog
Leroy finished the 2011 herding season in the 1st place spot in the standings for all herding dogs (all breeds) in Canada, with all qualifying scores in the 90’s including one score of 97.5 which was earned during an Advanced Cattle run. In 2010 he also qualified & competed in the first Canadian All Breed Invitational Championship Finals at the Advanced level.
A highlight of Leroy’s career for me was receiving the Award of Merit at the ACDCA National Specialty in 2008. This proved that performance dogs can also meet their standard in Conformation – Form & Function!

My goals for working Leroy in all of these programs were:
- To encourage other ACD owners to give herding a try, allowing their dogs to use the instincts & talents that they are born with!
- To continue educating people about how important good conformation is – and that there should not be a separation between working dogs and show dogs. A dog that is well put together can work in many situations for long hours.
- To encourage breeders to continue breeding for working dogs
- To showcase our breed’s strengths to people who see only the negative traits of the ACD.
- To showcase how useful our breed can be.
I think that Leroy helped me to achieve these goals in his very short lifetime! I LOVED that dog!!!

Ch Wooleston Eliza Fraser CKC HI, HIAs, HSAc, SDI, STDsc, HRD II
Australian Cattle Dog
Lizzie has gone on to be the 2nd ACD ever (behind my BJ) to earn the ACDCC National Award of ‘Working Dog Intermediate’ title. She also went on to win the #1 Herding ACD 2005 and 2006 – ACDCC National Award. Lizze was also posted as the #1 Herding ACD (all stock) in the USA – ACDCA 2006. That means, that in 2006, Lizzie was the #1 Herding Australian Cattle Dog in North America!! I am very proud of what Lizzie and I have accomplished together!
Austlyn’s Country Star HI, HRD II, HTD 2
Australian Cattle Dog
Buck loved to compete and work stock. He easily completed his AKC and CKC Herding Intermediate titles, and was working towards his advanced titles when a horrible accident took him away from me. He also completed several ASCA and AHBA titles.
HTCH Downriver Night’n’Day
Border Collie
At 3 years of age, I had trained this Border Collie to receive her Herding Ranch Dog III, Herding Trial Dog III and her Herding Trial Championship. She works cattle, sheep and ducks. Pepsi also competed in BCSDA (ISDS field trials).
HTCH Del’mar Downriver Sprite HXAsd, HTCH, HRD III, HTD III, ASDsd
Border Collie
When Sprite was one year old, she had finished her Herding Trial Dog 2 title with High in Trial at 17 months of age. Her very first BCSDA trial, she took third place out of 17 competitors in her class. She now has titles in ASCA Sheep, Cattle and Ducks (1 leg away from her ASCA Working Trial Champion), AKC HX and is an AHBA Herding Champion.
Australian Cattle Dog
This was a client’s dog that was sent to me from Texas. I had him for only 10 days, when he earned his CKC Herding Started title with a RHIT and High Scoring ACD. He had only seen sheep once prior to this. I was able to take him to an AKC trial where he also took RHIT, and completed 3 legs of his AKC Started title. Unfortunately, 2 legs were under the same judge.
Ch Downriver Diesel
Australian Cattle Dog
This was a client’s dog that came to me three days prior to the CKC and AHBA trials. He had been out to see sheep a couple of times before he arrived at Downriver Farms. He earned his HT and JHD that weekend!
I had the honor of handling this great dog through to his Canadian CKC Herding Championship and his AHBA Herding Championship. George was the first Boxer allowed to compete in the AKC and AHBA Herding programs, and he went on to win many all breed trials, titles & competitions. He paved the way for Boxers to get involved in herding and experience this awesome sport.

I loved working George because he had the stamina to work in big fields, the power to work in small pens, and the biddability to compete with brilliance. And he had a sense of humor that kept me in stitches!
George went on to set many records in both the Boxer world and the Herding world. In 2010 he qualified & competed in the first Canadian All Breed Invitational Championship Finals at the Intermediate level.

Shadybrook’s Callie Junior CGN, RN, HTADIII, HRDII, HIAs (AKC & CKC), HSAc (AKC & CKC)
Australian Cattle Dog
Callie has won many herding competitions & awards including – High in Trial, High Scoring ACD and even a Conformation award – an Award of Merit at the ACDCA National Specialty!

Callie has managed to complete her Intermediate Sheep and Started Cattle in both AKC & CKC. This is a great accomplishment considering she has had two herding seasons off because of having her two litters. She is spayed now, so we’ll be able to concentrate on her training full time.

All Breed Herding
There are several other dogs that I have handled for clients, predominantly at the started level. These breeds include:
- Australian Cattle Dogs,
- German Shepherd Dogs,
- Rottweilers,
- Corgis,
- Belgian Tervuerens,
- Belgian Groenendaels,
- Belgian Malinois,
- Norwegian Buhunds,
- Shetland Sheepdogs,
- Bernese Mountain Dogs,
- Australian Shepherds,
- Rough Collies,
- Bouvier des Flandres,
- Border Collies,
- Doberman Pinchers,
- Standard Poodles,
- Miniature Aussies, and
- Briards.
Herding Committees & Volunteer Experience
CKC Herding Council Representative
CKC Event Officiating Committee
Vice-President, Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada